The Versatile Blogger Award

Thanks again abOOkishOwl for nominating me for this award! I don’t know how versatile I am, but I do try my best! 🙂


  1. Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  2. Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it.
  3. Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
  4. Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link back to the post on your site announcing their nomination.
  5. Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

7 Facts About Myself:

1. I have really big feet, which means I often don’t find shoes that match their size.

2. Which reminds me, I HATE shopping. Like, really. No. interest. at. all. Am I the only girl in this world who thinks like that?

3. I love learning about word origins. Did you know that the word ‘word’ has its origins in Old German, Old Dutch and Old Norse?

4. I have a lucky pen but I’m always too afraid to use it (for the fear that it’ll get finished up). Yeah, talk about irony…

5. Bees seem to have some sort of animosity towards me. I’ve been bitten five times by them. They always seem to enter the room from the window nearest to me and keep following me around everywhere. And I literally mean everywhere.

6. I love alliteration. It’s so wonderful! Just speak this out loud: “Listen to the lonely lunatic talk about his life’s lessons.”

Didn’t it sound beautiful to your own ears? ❤

7. I love to type! It’s one of my favourite things to do. Although I want to increase my speed… last time I checked, it was only 35 words per minute. 😦

My Nominees:

Joey @ thoughts and afterthoughts : When I think ‘versatile’, this is definitely the first blog that comes to my mind. You go, Joey!

shriyabeesam : Like I said, whatever I do, I must tag you in it. 😉

swxftbooks : Same goes for you, Reema. I love your posts! ❤

Danielle : Yess… another very versatile blog. I’m so glad I discovered it!

Sripurna : If I’m doing any sort of tag and I’m not tagging this girl in it, then there is probably something very wrong and you guys have the full authority to come and ask 😀

bookwormgirls123 : I discovered this one very recently and I’m so glad I did! It’s such a cool blog!

Umbreen : Talk about being versatile…

analeeluvsbooks : My newfound sister! ❤

Books’N’Feathers : Another blog that literally defines ‘versatile’…

hermionefowl @ Addlepates and Book Nerds : Ha, if you guys don’t know about this blog, then I don’t know what you’re doing with your lives…

alextheshadowgirl : You go, girl! You and your blog – both are amazing!

joysofbookworms : How can I ever forget you, my dear bookish friend? 😉

Lunatic Wanderer : Even when she’s not posting book reviews, her posts always soothe my nerves and help me get a hold on myself. It’s so serene and mesmerising and beautiful and you all should definitely check it out ❤

I know I was supposed to nominate 15 blogs, but my brain refuses to work right now, so I’ll end it here.


Why dogs love their owners: A Study

I just checked this post out….. It says that the reason why dogs bond so well with their owners is actually the hormone oxytocin that is produced both in them and in us. According to a study conducted at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, dogs that were given extra doses of oxytocin performed better compared to those given simple saline spray.

“Both dogs and humans usually produce more oxytocin as they interact. For dogs, the hormone makes them evolved into being the perfect human companion because the bond makes them better at “reading” their owners.”

And here’s the video that was provided by the post:

What a cool study, right? Personally, I love dogs (they’re so adorable! ❤ ) so I really loved reading about this revelation… had to share! 😀


A post about a girl who loves Barbie and ice-creams… (Part 2)

See, Akansha? I love u so much! 😀 Another whole post just for you! ❤

Sooo… I realised that in the part 1 of this post (you can check it out here if you haven’t already, it might help you relate to this post better), I was just talking about this cute, adorable, crazy little girl who won over my heart within an hour. 48 minutes, to be precise. But her request for talking about Barbie and ice-creams wasn’t honoured all that much in that post. So I decided to do a part 2!

So… Barbie. Uh, I don’t really know what to speak on that, so I guess I’ll just list some random facts related to Barbie. Here they are:

1. The idea of Barbie dolls was first introduced by Ruth Handler, after she watched her daughter Barbara giving ‘adult roles’ to her ‘infant’ dolls. Barbie gets her name from Barbara.

2. In 1974, a section of Times Square in New York City was renamed ‘Barbie Boulevard’ for a week.

3. Barbie has had over 40 pets including cats and dogs, horses, a panda, a lion cub, and a zebra.

4. A modern Barbie doll has a body made from ABS plastic, while the head is made from soft PVC.

5. According to estimates, there are well over 100,000 avid Barbie collectors. Ninety percent are women, at an average age of 40, purchasing more than twenty Barbie dolls each year. Forty-five percent of them spend upwards of $1000 a year.

Here’s the first Barbie doll ever made:

(I think it looks pretty dumb)

Question : What are your favourite Barbie movies? Favourite Barbie songs?

Ok, moving on to ice-creams… a way easier topic to rant on…



First off, I strongly believe that ice-creams are the best things that have ever been created. (Apart from chocolate, maybe. And books, of course. AND music. Ok, I’ll stop 😛 ) They are absolutely yummy-licious and I love them, especially vanilla ice-cream! These days, I’m not being able to have ice-creams because that’d totally choke my throat, and we’ve got a singing programme at school coming up in a week in which I’m participating. And my mom refuses to let me have chocolate 😦 I think I might go into depression now..

Speaking of ice-creams, though, there’s something funny that I must mention: I once created an account on with the username ILuvIceCreams. 😛 My profile picture was one showing three ice-cream cones.

(I only ever wrote one fanfic using that account, and it was so crappy that I deleted it within three days. Guess ice-creams are not so lucky for me, after all.. :/ )

Question : What are your favourite ice-cream flavours? Do you prefer ice-cream or chocolate?

Thanks for tolerating all that weird random stuff I was blabbering! I’ll be kind and spare u now… 😛
