The Girl Who Lived…

Yep, that’s me, just less prettier and with boring brown eyes instead of those beautiful twinkling green ones.

Hi!!! *waves like a maniac*

Sooo… About two years since I was last online, I guess? Guess my, ahem, break… went on a bit longer than I expected. But hey, it wasn’t my fault, ok? Life was an ABSOLUTE asshole to me. Honestly, I nearly broke, and so many times. Kept falling down, got back up again, and now… I guess I can finally say I am somewhat back to stability (whatever that is). I won’t be posting as frequently as I used to before, because *drumroll* I’m in college!


It’s the strictest college in my city, and I’m not even exaggerating. It’s got a reputation. Strict to the point of being prison-like. Sigh.

Whatever. Three years of torture and then I’ll be out.

Anywaaay, leaving that depressing topic aside, these two years have had its perks too. I’ve traveled a bit — Andaman, Benaras, Ladakh (tell me if you guys would wanna see pics, I can upload some). Also, I’ve read my fair share of books, which is always nice!

The Lunar Chronicles series, The Winner’s trilogy, the Shatter Me trilogy and lots of standalones too, including but not limited to Me Before You by Jojo Moyes, All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr, I Was Here by Gayle Forman and All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven, which top the list. I’ve also been reading a fair bit of Cecelia Ahern and FINALLY decided to try out some of Haruki Murakami’s works (fallen in love instantly. If any of you out there haven’t read his works yet, please do give him a try! You won’t regret it, I promise ❤️). Oh, and I just finished Crooked Kingdom (probably the last one in the blogosphere, I’d reckon? Coz I didn’t even know it had been published until a few days back, when I decided to check 🤦) and I’m HEARTBROKEN, just saying. I can’t even get properly started on A Court of  Wings and Ruin coz my heart hasn’t healed yet. Ugh. #thestrugglesofbeingabookworm

Moving on, I’ve been on a sort of movie-watching binge lately (college is closed for vacation at the moment so enjoying all I can before I’m held captive again 😭). In the past couple of weeks, I’ve watched La La Land, Moonlight, Becoming Jane, Me Before You, The Shallows, Shes Out of My League and Passengers, to name a few. With the exception of the last one, none of them have disappointed (thankfully). In fact the first four were absolute gold, and my advice to anyone who hasn’t watched them: please do! I’ve also been watching a lot of Bengali detective movies (Feluda and Byomkesh, if anyone’s interested) and rewatched some movie-gold favourites: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, In Time, the Star Trek movies and some of my favourite Marvel movies. So yeah, awesome is the word.

Not willing to bore you further, but I’d be ashamed as a Bengali if I didn’t mention this. As I’m sure many of you know, Dussehra just passed us by. Here in Bengal where I live, it’s celebrated as Durga Puja, and it’s kind of a (VERY) big deal. Like a carnival of sorts, some would say. The entire city gets decked up in fabulous structures of art called pandals, which house idols of the Hindu deity Durga. Friends, food and hitting the road (in new clothes, of course) to watch these pandals (pandal-hopping, as we say)…. that’s Durga Puja in short. Nothing much, only it’s the biggest festival for the Bengalis.

So yeah. Belated happy Durga Puja to ya’ll. Stay happy, stay blessed.

-B ❤️

The reflection in the mirror…

From my childhood, I’ve always had this notion that the mirror doesn’t really show us our real face. It must change the picture a bit, show us a slightly different face from what we carry. I never trusted what it showed me. Because it didn’t show me my real face.

When I read Snow White and found out about the mirror of the evil queen, I thought maybe the mirror shows us what we want to see. But then I realised, there were so many people who were not satisfied by the way their reflection looked. If the mirror really showed them what they wanted to see, why would that happen? Shouldn’t they all be satisfied?

Then I thought, maybe the mirror had some sort of mindset. There were certain people that it liked, and certain people that it didn’t like. When those ‘liked’ people looked in, they got to see what they wanted to see, but for the ‘not liked’ people, the image would be unsatisfactory.

As I’ve grown up, I’ve realised how absurd this idea is, but even now, I don’t trust what the mirror shows me. It’s just an object that I need for me to comb my hair properly. Other than that, I’ve never looked at it. If you told me to close my eyes and imagine my reflection, I don’t think I’d be able to do it.

Because, after all, it’s fake.

I think, that when we stand in front of the mirror, it sees us in its own way and then reflects that image back to us. The reflection we see in front of us, is actually the way the mirror sees us. It’s not the real person.

When others see us, they do it in their own way. Each pair of eyes views us differently. When our friends and classmates and family are seeing us, they’re only seeing what their eyes are seeing. For each pair of eyes, their version is the real version.

But it’s not.

The real version is what we believe it to be. It doesn’t need a beautiful face, or long, wavy hair, or anything of the sort. It doesn’t even need a form. The real me is a voice that speaks, a mind that thinks, a heart that feels. It’s a fiery mixture of thoughts and words and emotions.

That is the real me. And that is what I believe in.

Because it’s true. Not a fake reflection in the mirror.

Which Reader Type Are You?

I’m a mixture of The Chronological Reader, The Bookophile, The Cross-Under, The Critic, The Sharer (although I’m really more of a taker than a giver, at least in case of my few paperbacks) and The “It’s Complicated” Reader. I’m also a bit of a Re-Reader (How many times did I read Picture of Dorian Grey and Pride and Prejudice, again?), although I’d never choose to miss out the new releases for that.
What type of reader are you? Let me know by commenting! 😉

Erika's Book Related Ramblings

Hello fellow book bloggers and and book lovers in general or for anyone reading this post!  So, I was browsing on the internet and I found two interesting articles discussing the different types of readers and I wanted to share it with you all.  
What Kind of Book Reader Are You? A Diagnostics Guide and Many More Types of Book Readers: A Diagnostics Addendum
 I’ve always been curious as to what kind of reader and looking at the options, each of us definitely fit into either any of these categories.  If not just one, probably a mixture of some or all of it.  To save you from looking back and forth between the two articles I just copied and pasted the list here. So here’s the entire list of types:

The Hate Reader: Oh, you. You pretend to be curmudgeonly, you do, but you really just devour the reading…

View original post 2,767 more words

Beautiful Blogger Award

Thank you Alextheshadowgirl for nominating me! It’s really beautiful to be considered beautiful by people, no matter how tiny the reason is! 🙂

Yaayy! ^_^


Link to the blogger who took the time to nominate you. List seven random things about yourself. Nominate seven creative, beautiful bloggers. Notify the amazing people that you nominated for the award.


1. I can hardly write with gel pens. They slide too much on the paper and make me uncomfortable. Also, the refill gets finished up in a very crude manner. There’s usually still some ink left inside that you can see, but still it doesn’t work. So annoying :/ Dot pens are the way to go! They write perfectly and even finish up in an organised way!

2. I had French classes in my school for 3 years. I loved taking them and I was always the topper in my class. However, our French teacher kept changing, which hampered our learning. I mean, no one lasted more than a few months! There were times when I wondered if the job was tabooed (like the post of the DADA teacher in Hogwarts, remember?)

I used to be able to speak fluent French during that time. Sadly, I’ve forgotten most of what I’d learnt (mainly because of lack of communication. It all wore out. I mean, who am I supposed to speak with in French?) but one day I’ll speak it fluently again. I’ll take as many classes as required for that, but I’ll get there.

3. I have a cream-and-blue teddy bear called Fluffy, which is very fluffy and I love cuddling it. I’m afraid I’ve choked it too many times while reading suspense scenes in storybooks 😛 Sometimes, I sit on the bed and sing songs to it 😀


That’s my Fluffy. Cute, isn’t he? ❤

4. I just really love odd numbers. They’re so different-looking, somehow. Even numbers look so plain. I mean, just look at 26 and then look at 51. Do you see what I mean now? No? Well, then…

5. Speaking of plain, I don’t really like Mona Lisa. She looks so ageless, timeless, emotion-less and so on — all of which I find very unsettling. Also, she doesn’t have eyebrows! That’s so weird! Vinci must’ve been pretty stingy not to lend her a pair…

See? No eyebrows! :/

6. I like using double quotes more than single quotes (except when I’m quoting a word. With single words, single quotes come naturally). Somehow, I don’t feel like single quotes make the impact that double quotes can manage…

7. I love chocolate. And ice-cream. I know I’ve probably said that a gajillion times here, but oh well. I don’t think a list of random facts about myself can be completed without mentioning my love for chocolate and ice-cream 😀

Now for the nominations!

Personally, every blogger I know is beautiful in his/her own way. So if I’m not taking your name, it doesn’t mean that I’m forgetting you. It only means that choosing only 7 bloggers to nominate is really very hard, so you’re not allowed to mind! 😉






nerdybirdy@Daydreaming Books


Stay shiny, all of you! 😀

Signing off,

Bhramori ❤

11 tenants of my head that absolutely refuse to leave…

Hello there! So… my mind is pretty full right now. And since I love you all so much (and I know how much you all love me back 😉 ), I decided to let you have a glimpse of what exactly constitutes the mess that is my mind right now. Have fun! (hopefully 😛 )

This list is in no particular order.

1. Digha: Right now there’s a trip to Digha being planned in my house! It’s not finalised yet, we may go tomorrow or in a few weeks’ time (my mom and I are random like that), but I’m super-excited! The beach is my favourite place to visit! 😀

2. Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott: I probably mentioned this before, but this book has literally wrecked my nerves. I keep thinking of all that happened in the story, and it makes me shudder. Every time I see a young girl anywhere, my mind goes to freeze mode. (Which, as a daughter of Athena, I find very uncomfortable. Very.) This is probably the first time in my life that I’m finding myself wary of ‘social-horror’ (I’ve self-named this genre for books featuring the wrongs of society in a horrifying way), and I think I can safely give this book all the credit for that.


3. Bang by E.K. Blair: Talking about books, this one is absolutely adamant on staying in my mind. And to be honest, I don’t expect it to leave anytime soon. I keep picturing myself in Nina’s place, thinking about what I would’ve done had I been there instead of her. Because throughout the book, I felt like supporting her and stopping her firmly, both at the same time. There were times when I hated her for what she was doing, but I wanted her to succeed nevertheless. I know that probably sounds disgusting, but you really have to read the book to understand.


Also, the questions. All the damn questions that this book left me with its ‘bang’. I need their answers. I desperately need them.

4. That poem I wrote that just doesn’t want to get perfect: I recently wrote a poem (not the one that I posted yesterday). It’s finished, but I can’t help feeling that it’s missing something. Some essential part, that I’ve forgotten to insert somehow. I’ve read it and corrected it, and then re-read it and re-corrected it, and done the same thing over and over again, and it does seem loads better than the first version, but I can’t shake off the feeling that it ought to be better. It just isn’t perfect, and I’m a huge perfectionist (as if you didn’t know that already).

5. ‘Shine’, ‘shone’, ‘shining’, ‘shiny’: Confused? 😛 Let me explain. I’m in love with these words. On Saturday, especially, I kept saying things like: “Doesn’t that application look absolutely shiny?” (my mother, not understanding that I’d substituted ‘shiny’ for ‘flawless’, responded with a blank look) or “Oh Daisy, I so wish that you were a shining little star that I could cuddle” (Daisy is my diary’s name. I don’t really remember why I wanted to cuddle a star at that moment, though.) or “Lead sulphate is such a dull-looking compound. Couldn’t it shine a bit?” (wherein my friends looked at me like I’d gone mad).

You get the point, right?



Moving on…

6. Jace from The Mortal Instruments: You all must be so tired of hearing me ramble on about Jace and his perfect everything, so I’m gonna spare you guys this time. Next time, though… *evil grin*

7. My brother tore a book: My little cousin’s only 7 years old, and he’s always been a naughty one. But when he tore apart pages from one of my favourite storybooks, I really lost my mind.


That’s the book he tore. Shiuli by Sanjib Chattopadhyay. I’ve mentioned it in one of my earlier posts. This was a book that my mother had received as a gift when she was 10-years-old, I think. She handed it down to me, and it’s been one of the most precious books to me (and not only because of its heritage value. The story itself is very dear to my heart. I cry every time I read it, and that’s an almost impossible feat to accomplish). So imagine my horror when I returned from Maths class yesterday and saw the front cover of this book slashed through, and multiple pages ripped out. It was like someone had murdered my best friend. It was horrible.

I shouted at my cousin, and he started crying. Under ordinary circumstances, that would’ve softened me down, but he tried to justify his fault by calling it “a mere book”. And that just flared my temper. I shouted even more and I think I might even have slapped him if I hadn’t been feeling so utterly miserable.

And then I realised what I’d done and started feeling guilty (something that I’m really great at). But there was also a tiny part of me that was satisfied with what I’d done, that thought that he deserved a worse punishment for ripping apart a book like that. And that makes me feel like a terrible human being. 😦 I mean, he’s only seven, for goodness’ sake! An innocent little child! How can I possibly be so cruel to him?

I really wish I could cry now… 😦

8. Biology lab file, Chemistry project, Phase test – all by next week: I am having a nervous attack every few minutes just thinking about this. I need to finish my Chemistry project. I’d originally planned on doing it on Medicinal Chemistry but I get carried away every time I surf the net on that topic, trying to learn way more than is necessary for the project, and that becomes very time-consuming. So, to save my time, I’ve decided to do it on dyes, a topic in which I have no special interest (apart from its obvious relation with Chemistry). Still, I have a lot to do, and fast!

The Phase test is something that is conducted in my coaching classes (for my Medical exam preparations). This time, it includes the entire class 11 syllabus of Physics (ew), Botany (ew), Zoology (I’ll manage) and Chemistry (I’ll manage). So I basically have to revise the entire syllabus of last year, in less than a week. Sounds a tad bit challenging, huh?

About my Bio lab file, let’s say I’ve come up with a way to finish it, but I’m totally fretting out on whether it’ll be perfect or not. In all probability, not. Still, what’s the harm in keeping your fingers crossed, right?

9. That Chemistry question that I couldn’t answer: Yes, last day in class, my Chemistry sir asked me a question for determining the… okay, I won’t confuse you with any more details. Long story short, it was a pretty simple question that I knew the answer to, but for some reason, I slumped. I don’t know why. My brain just had a meltdown and I gave the complete opposite answer. I’ve been highly angry with myself since then… grrr…

10. The tune of ‘We Remain’: Please someone help me let go of this tune. It’s been such a long time since I heard the song, and I still can’t stop humming it and thinking about it! (that’s doesn’t mean the tune’s not good, though. You should definitely check the song out, if you haven’t already. It’s by Christina Aguilera, and it’s in the Catching Fire playlist. It’s really awesome. But that doesn’t mean it has to stay in my mind 24X7, right?)

11. Otters holding hands: This is the most recent tenant to have occupied a space in my mind, and definitely the cutest one. I just found out that sea otters hold hands in groups (called rafts) – while they eat, sleep and rest, to prevent their families from losing each other. How sweet and thoughtful. 🙂

And here’s a picture of a male and female otter (named Nellie and Abra) holding each other’s hands while sleeping, so that they don’t drift apart.

Inseparable: A pair of northern sea otters hold hands while floating across water in Tacoma, Washington, USA

So cute, right? ❤

So that’s it, people! If you’re reading this, then that means you’ve successfully dragged yourself over to the end of the post! Congratulations! 😀

Hope your minds are all more well-sorted than mine is at the moment!
