Real Neat Blog Award


Yay, my second award in a month! Thanks to abOOkishOwl for nominating me (and right at number 1 in your list, too! 😉 ) Check her blog out because she’s awesome (and because she’s nominated me for 3 whole awards. Yay!) She’s actually clubbed two of her award posts into one, but I’ve decided to do them separately. The other two will be up soon as well, don’t worry!


  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blog.
  • Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs.
  • Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  • Ask 7 questions of your own, for your nominees to answer.
  • Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog, etc.)

The Questions:

1. Who would be the villain you’re willing to date with?

Why on earth would I date a villain?! 😮 I know I’m a crazy person, but I’m definitely not that crazy.

But if I still had to choose, I’d probably go for Sebastian from The Mortal Instruments. I’ve kind of always liked him. Don’t ask me why, I just did.

2. What was the latest book you read and hated?

Um, probably Road to Paradise by Paullina Simons. I didn’t hate it, but I almost had to force myself to finish the book. The plot was a pretty loosely-woven one and the characters not-so-believable.


3. What is that book you always recommend?

Well, it obviously has to depend on what genre the other person wants to read. My common recommendations are usually classics – maybe a Mark Twain or a Jane Austen. Or maybe a series. I have a special affinity for book-series ❤

For the past few months, though, all I’ve been recommending anyone is Beloved by Toni Morrison. That book is… indescribable. I think everyone must read it (although sensitive readers should be a bit careful before giving it a try…)


And my latest recommendation to everyone out there…


If you haven’t read these books yet, please go and give them a try!

4. What are you passionate about?

Reading. And music. And Chemistry. 😀

5. From the Top 5 places you want to visit, where would you probably go first if you are given an all-expense paid trip?

Since Hogwarts is obviously not going to be available… SWITZERLAND!!! I’ve always wanted to go there, probably since the moment I was born! 😛

6. Where would you go: mountain or beach?

Beach, beach, beach! Definitely the beach, always the beach! ❤

7. What is that one thing you’ve always wanted to do but still haven’t done yet?

Having Belgian chocolate 😀

One day, I’m gonna go to Belgium and buy chocolates from all the chocolate shops there…

Ah, how wonderful.. ❤

*gets lost in daydreaming*

Sorry, what was I doing again? Oh yeah, the post… moving on from the delicious prospect of Belgian chocolate…

My Questions:

1. What’s your favourite word?

2. Is there any book that you’d rather no one reads?

3. Your favourite thing about yourself?

4. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 57 and tell us the first sentence from there (you might choose another sentence from the page if you feel you’re giving away a spoiler)

5. Who’s your favourite singer? Favourite song(s) from him/her?

6. If you were asked to kill a character, who’d be the very first on your mind? What if you were asked to save a character who has died? What’s the first name coming to your mind now? 😉

7. Which is your most hated fictional OTP – the one that you hope didn’t exist at all?

My Nominees:

These are all the very neat blogs that I’ve come across…

cl0udbusting : Amy, the super-neat Amy. Your name was the first one to come to my mind!

swxtbooks : Her posts are the coolest, guys! Check them out!

shriyabeesam : I ❤ ❤ ❤ her blog! Like, her writing’s great, her posts are great, her ideas are great… but most importantly, she’s got a whole post dedicated to a rant on vampires! 😛

Sripurna : As always… you have to be mentioned… 😉

Erika : Another very cool blog that I love to follow… check her out!

joysofbookworms : Woohoo! This blog just got 100 followers! (which is totally deserves, by the way)

Danielle :  Another blog that I love and devour! And her book-tags… they’re sooo cool!

Books’N’Feathers : I only discovered this blog yesterday, but I’ve already fallen in love with it. 💙 Please please check it out, guys!!

hermionefowl @ Addlepates and Book Nerds : Because after Top Ten Tuesaday, Exploring My Bookshelves is my favourite bookish meme ❤

Nerdybirdy @ Daydreaming Books : She’s a fellow blogger from my state!! *squeal of delight* I just discovered her blog yesterday and I’m so glad I did, because it’s really great.

abOOkishOwl : I know you nominated me, but I’m just gonna nominate you back! 😛 (in fact, I’m gonna nominate you back for the other two awards as well!)

I hope I didn’t forget anyone! I’m so sorry if I did!

Looking forward to reading your posts…


21 thoughts on “Real Neat Blog Award

    • Haha yes, I know I’m very kind 😛 Just kidding, you totally deserve it! And I understand your excitement for Q4, I love doing those things! 😀
      Have fun! I can’t wait to read your answers! 💙

      Liked by 1 person

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