Your Life in Books Tag

Thank you alextheshadowgirl for tagging me! This is indeed a very cool tag! 😀

1) Find a book for each of your initials

My initials – B.D.


Beloved by Toni Morrison. How many times have I mentioned this book again?

aaand :


I don’t think there’s anyone out there who doesn’t know about this book…

2) Count your age along your book shelf- which book is it?

The 16th book there. And it’s :

The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay. It’s there on my TBR. I’ve had mixed reviews about this book from my friends, but I’m definitely going to give it a read soon.

4) Pick a book that represents a destination you would love to travel to.

Alps… Switzerland ❤ … a part of my heart has always been with this book, ever since I’d first read it so many years back…

5) Pick a book that’s your favourite colour

White! ❤

(Sorry if the cover looks a bit… invisible 😛 )

And I also love the alternate cover for Beloved…


Isn’t it beautiful? ❤ I wish I had this instead of the red one 😦

6) Which book do you have the fondest memories of?


I have so many different happy memories with this one, I’d be tired of sharing them all… *nostalgic smile*

7.Which book did you have the most difficulty reading?

There are two, actually :

I remember taking, like, forever to finish reading these books. Thankfully, both of them turned out worth the struggle 😀

8) Which book in your TBR pile will give you the biggest sense of accomplishment when you finish it?


Like I mentioned in my 2015 Popsugar Reading Challenge, I’d started reading this book but never finished it. Don’t kill me! I really wasn’t in the mood for scenic descriptions and that sort of stuff when I started reading it… naturally I found it quite boring and put it off for a later time. Then I started reading other books and… you get the point, don’ t you?

But this time I’ve promised my friend that I will read it, no matter what. 😀

Ok, so now I tag: YOU.

Yes, you. Come on now, this is so short! If you haven’t done it already, just give it a try! I promise, it won’t take much time!

Stay awesome, guys!


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